This article is about Best Credit Card Processing Companies 2020. It is very important to carry out payment transactions of business regularly. Enabling customers to pay at their request creates a positive perception for your business. People want convenience and an ergonomic option when paying for the services you offer. Although cash seems to be more profitable for businesses, online payments are more prominent with the developing technology.
In fact, only 24% of shopping in the United States is preferred in cash. The preference for online payments over time also directly affects the customer and seller relationship.
In this case, what should business owners do in order not to affect their sales? You can easily overcome this situation by choosing a reliable credit card processing company.
What is a Credit Card Processing Company?
Credit card processing companies are money transfer networks that make credit and debit card payments easier and work for sellers. The processor acts as a transfer network between the customer’s bank (where the payment came from) and the seller’s bank (where the payment ends) and ensures that the money reaches the required place.
Sellers who want to receive payments by credit or debit card must work with a credit card processing company.
Processing companies can also facilitate other forms of payment. As an example of these;
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- PayPal
- Checks
In this case, it is very important for you to reach an agreement with a company that is suitable for your business needs, budget and goals. There are certain criteria among these companies. While some companies play a more effective role in online payments, some companies focus on face-to-face transactions and point of sale (POS) systems. It is available in companies that offer services in all sales types.
What should businesses pay attention to when choosing a credit card processing company?
The working principles of credit card processing companies may differ. It offers companies that appeal to businesses that seek low wages and services that offer an online store management option.
While some credit card processing companies offer payment options for companies such as Visa and Mastercard, there are also credit card processing companies that support credit card companies such as Discover and American Express.
The Best Credit Card Processing Companies of 2020
We have highlighted how important it is for you to choose when choosing a credit card processing provider, taking into account your business needs and budget. Now, we have prepared a detailed list of the best credit card processing companies 2020 that you can choose for your business and which is extremely secure.
- PCBancard
- Square
- Helcim
- Stripe
- Shopify
PCBancard, one of the fastest-growing private companies in America, has achieved great success thanks to its services. It increases the needs, profitability and functionality of the vendors for financial well-being by leading the CC Processing market through customer service, innovation, loyalty, and personal service.
PCBancard offers a Revenue Sharing Preferred Partner (RSP) and Referral Bank Partnership Program that helps you build stronger relationships with your customers.
Thanks to the RSP Partner Program, it offers a good offer that allows you to focus on your core banking and product services. This program covers the following items.
- Terminal help desk,
- Marketing materials,
- Equipment deployment and programming,
- Merchant training and activation,
- Online transaction information,
- Referral updates and reporting.
PCBancard, which has the programs and services you need such as Software Integration, adding a shopping cart to the website, provides you with all the services you need for your business.
PCBancard offers a competitive advantage to financial institutions and software development companies. In this way, it works for your demands that you need for new customers, new deposits and new sources of income.
Square is one of the best-known companies in payment processing. Thanks to the magstripe and chip readers integrated into mobile devices, it is valid everywhere. It was the beginning of a revolution in mobile payment.
Commercial terminals, including private POS systems, allow businesses to manage their inventory and opt for custom payment systems for their customers. They offer a very professional service in this regard.
Square, which does not charge a monthly fee for its basic services, can be preferred for businesses at the beginning stage.
Helcim may be one of the best mobile credit card options available in the market due to its flexibility and economic payment. The fact that they do not request a long term agreement policy means that they will not ask you for a fine in case of canceling the work.
Helcim also states that businesses that do less than $ 1,500 in monthly sales will not be the best choice.
Shopify is known for its e-commerce store services. In this system, it allows sellers to set up and manage their own stores.
Thanks to additional services such as POS terminals, inventory management, and marketing tools, Shopify acts as a large transfer network between the seller and the customer on online sales and mobile payments.
As PCBancard, we help merchants to offset some or all of their merchant service fees without increasing the overall rates. Contact us below if you need help.